Shadon found another unusual recording on his hard drive, this time of an anime he once watched one episode of and thought was rather rubbish. However, galactic tyrant, he of a thousand mandibles and gacha game enthusiast Zyvox the Unyielding saw the whole of Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne through. If you’re ready for true terror, join Zyvox this Halloween as he discusses Mnemosyne and things such as ketamine drugged voice actors, incredibly questionable sex scenes and the most useless male lead character in anime ever. Also, Zyvox discusses brain mass, what anime has scientifically proven and reveals what to him constitutes true, unrelenting horror.

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00:00:00 – Zyvox Reveals His Husbando

00:00:25 – Zyvox Brings Your Daughter To The Slaughter

00:01:33 – Zyvox Takes Rin To Task

00:19:45 – Zyvox’s Decides To Humiliate Himself With the GPI


With music and audio from: Freesound.org, Highlander, Michael Kelly, Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne and, yes, The Care Bears Movie.

Zyvox’s Computer Voiced by Code Welt

Shadon’s Postscript:

Rin is arguably worse than Mouse and might be the subject of proper discussion one day. For now, I feel tainted that I ever watched it full, and no amount of Imperial Leather will ever make me feel clean.

Kado: The Right Answer ADDENDUM – Interview w/ Chris Boylan (BONUS EPISODE)

Shadon sits down for an interview with veteran 3D animator and effects artist Chris Boylan. Chris has worked on films such as The Amazing Spider Man and Sucker Punch and video games like Bioshock Infinite HALO 4, and League of Legends. The fellas talk about 3D animation in Kado and in anime in general. Is 3D really cheaper than 2D animation? Where does 3D anime go wrong when it does? What can animators do to help make 3D anime more successful? The fellas tackle all these questions and more in this power-packed bonus episode!

Direct Download | iTunes | Soundcloud Google Play | Android Stitcher | YouTube

Chris’s IMDB
Chris’s Twitter
Chris’s Studio Gattai on Instagram
Chris’s Studio Gattai on YouTube

Music by Michael Kelly

BONUS EPISODE – Anime Dads’ Club

DADLIEST CATCH: Two anime dads talking anime, dads, and anime dads.

TheSubtleDoctor and Ian Harper from the Retro Anime Podcast have a chat about anime, fatherhood, and fatherhood in anime. We talk about our kids’ relationships with anime and a litany of anime fathers including: bad fathers, good fathers and distant fathers. Gendo Ikari may be mentioned.

Direct Download | iTunes | Soundcloud | Google Play | Android | Stitcher | YouTube

Theme: “Every Day Is Night” by Michael Kelly

Miss Hokusai – Companion Piece #2

Doc and “Annie” return to discuss the recent Production I.G. film Miss Hokusai. Check the timecodes if you want to bypass a lengthy talk about the history of the Edo Period as well as the actual historical figures depicted in the movie and get straight into the meat of the film itself.

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00:00:00 – 00:03:54 // Intro
00:03:55 – 00:29:02 // History of The Edo Period & the characters
00:29:02 – 01:48:05 // Discussion of Themes/Characterization including: the film’s ontology, the nature of perception and its relationship to reality, inspiration, the creative process, family life, and more!

Theme – Beyonce and Jay-Z “Bonnie & Clyde”